Happy Holiday


Not sure what crazy fun you’re planning for your holiday weekend or week or day but my list is growing into a steady passion of joyful dreamy moments cascading in my mind as I drive back and forth to work. My biggest hope? Time to recover from the  hustle and bustle. Time to not do anything that I have to. Now that sounds like a Happy Holiday!

Let this be a time to get outside. Be playful. Laugh. Visit with friends. Spike the eggnog. Say I love you to everyone you love. Bake something that is off your diet plan and eat it joyfully with a crew of your favorite friends. Yes, eat. Light up your world inside and out with all the rainbow of color that defy the darkness to linger around your foundation. Wonder. Smile.


Unwind. Stop worrying. Look ahead. Sit in silence. Walk along a snowy or sandy or woody path. Read. Write. Stare out the window. Stare at the sky. Stare straight into your best desires for all of those you love. Right into the heart of life. Daydream.


Stay in bed longer. Eat dinner at a table with candlelight and hold a meaningful conversation about anything besides politics or economics or healthcare. Like love or travel or what you thought you might do someday and maybe allow that day to come much sooner than not. Break your schedule this week. Call people on a phone. Write thank-yous. Dance until your feet are sore.


Do nothing too. Just nothing. On your own or with friends or family. Spend a few hours that don’t amount to anything. Life is pretty amazing when we stand still enough to notice.

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