My Plan is to Face January Head On

5 survival tips from last January that I highly recommend we all put into practice this year too. But I will add a 6th tip: Laugh. Find people who crack you up and spend as much time with them as you can. Over lunch. An afternoon run. Even an 8 minute phone call. Laugh to make light in the dark: that’s how I plan to face January, and the rest of 2023.

Nine Cent Girl

I know what you’re thinking, that this is just another New Year’s resolution post, with a long list that will all be given over at first light, but this is not that at all. This is about survival. January is long, dark, cold, and for the teachers/ healthcare providers/ service workers/ parents/ and everyone else functioning through this pandemic all around the globe, a tough month. So besides my all-the-time best-advice to start each day with Yoga with Adriene, I am going to share 5 survival tips I plan to use to face all that gets dished out, piled on, and added on to this rugged month.

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Radical Joy

There is an abundance of sorrow on this small Earth, of that we might all agree, but there is also, at least here in northern Vermont, the ability to find joy quite easily in May. In the buds and flowers and leaves and warming temps and that fabulous blue sky hovering like sapphires above each and everyone. I am not ignoring the staggering horrors dropping like thick fog, but I am asking that mess to push aside for this day to feel a joy so big it overpowers. This week joy seems to be what lots of people reminded me to feel too: an unfiltered, possibly even a radical joy.

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love needs believing

When I was a teenager I overheard my Grandmother saying very straight-faced, after being complemented on her 50th Wedding Anniversary, “Well they weren’t all good years.” I was slightly shocked to hear her admit that, especially in the midst of her celebration, but most everyone around who was married for any length of time nodded in agreement. In the ensuing years, I have come to realized that life often brings harsh challenges, sometimes a whole avalanche of them, and these can alter even the best of relationships. My spouse & I have weathered many such hardships, most certainly there have been periods when we weren’t sure we would survive. When COVID sheltered us this worry intensified because all I heard about via every social media outlet was the spiking divorce rate due to the lockdown. I started to obsess it would happen to us, but eventually I had to stop reading the negative news, focus on my present day, let go of the fear and the hype, and believe in what we have built together over the decades.

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