Hauntings Part 3

Ready or not, here comes the final installment of Chapter 1. Just in case you are new to my blog, or have been out of the loop, scroll back two weeks and start at the beginning of the novel, working title, Mrs. Hendricks and Company. Here is the last of the beginning chapter. There is much I am still intrigued with and am sorting out but as I mentioned, both Mrs. Hendricks and this new ‘assistant’ of hers are most certainly haunting me until I get their story straight. Another perk, there are no politics here, only drama.

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A Writer’s Haunting

If, like me, you have an assortment of story rattling around in your head, it can be rather haunting until you have the whole of it out, out of your head that is. This particular story has been haunting me for a number of years, and despite the months I have tried to get it all out, there is more that needs to be sorted out. I am obsessed by two characters, who are flawed beyond hope, yet I can’t let them drown in their own misery. I keep rooting for them despite their own self-destructive antics. They are survivors. Jaded and scarred but survivors all the same. Tonight, let me introduce Mrs. Hendricks and Helen.

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