Right on Target

As they are apt to do, Target once again drew on the expertise of a known designer, Diane von Furstenberg, to collaborate on a playful collection that hit stores in a big flash this week. The release date coincided with a nor’easter here in Vermont, so I had to wait through the storm before scanning what was left on the racks. Thankfully, the one dress from the collection that stole my heart the minute I watched the first pre-launch ad was still available. Yellow is not normally my go-to color, but there is something so light and cheery about this particular shade that grabbed my imagination, it was a must have instantly! Spring is a wondrous feeling, right? Despite the snow underfoot I danced under the big sky sunshine prancing in this ginkgo patterned knit all afternoon.

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Spring Fling

Come April I am desperate to see more color in the natural world beyond my doorway. The snow melt has left rivulets of brown earth all through the open fields which are also left browned by the harsh winter. Trees are still bare, their silvery gray bark peeling in the brisk wind, abandoned broken branches strewn all across my yard, while I crave soft pink, daffodil yellow and kelly green. The anticipation over Spring is building only making my yearning more frantic. Old time Nine Cent Girl readers will know, this time of year I often concoct a photo shoot with expectation dominating my mood board, pulling together an array of props from my closet to mimic the bright pastels and infectious joy that is about to arrive. This week that happened once more with me prancing about my living room, having donned three “new to me” outfits. Since I was a teen I have loved finding wardrobe favorites from thrift stores or yard sales or in the case of these dresses, from the pop-up sale of a friend’s closet. Perhaps not divine inspiration but a Spring Fling all the same.

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Springing Forward

Historically I never stay down too long. There is something in my nature that beats back dark despair with a burst of frivolity and crazy. For this Nine Cent Girl that avenue back to light often involves some sort of photo shoot. Go back through my past posts in the fashion category and there is the sense of bursting from every photo. Not quite quiet desperation but most certainly standing on the edge. It was the same this week. War for one. Continued COVID fatigue another. General unease about the future of our planet under the direction of demagogues a third. Let’s not kid ourselves with naming one. They stand shoulder to shoulder in our Senate and rule with a recklessness I would not allow with my ninth graders. So, to combat ALL OF THAT, I allowed for a few hours of play.

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