Second Chance

If you are a regular Nine Cent Girl reader then you are familiar with my obsession with challenges… if not, well, let me tell you, yes, I have set goals and invented hurdles to jump over for forever. There are even times when I have several challenges going at once… (April’s Walking Challenge)

For this season I am challenging myself to only shop in thrift shops for my Fall wardrobe. I came to this decision in August, while having a summer vacation with my family, and mentioned my plan to my 13 year old niece. She was horrified and in a violent burst yelled, “WHAT? WHY?” Well, it’s complex and complicated, I stuttered and attempted to articulate my various political, economic and creative reasoning. When I suggested she join me in this challenge she would not hear of it, for all she envisioned was to arrive back-to-school dressed like all the magazine ads had told her to dress. She caused me a moment of doubt, but my decision was confirmed after a short afternoon rolling around a giant red cart in Target against the horde of shoppers… I am delighted to report that so far my challenge  is more fun than I  anticipated!

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