The Path of Totality

Sometimes you really are in the right place at the right time, as we northern Vermonters found ourselves to be on April 8: right in The Path of Totality. As much as I thought I knew everything there was to know about seeing a solar eclipse, it proved otherwise, just mind blowing really. And there really is no way to describe the totality of the experience, it is just too staggeringly extraordinarily awesome (in the truest of that word’s definition). The whole 360 experience of changing light, the temperature drop, the suddenly visible planets Jupiter and Venus, the chatter of bird song, and of course The Dark Side of the Moon that seemed to be playing from everyone’s speakers. Totally cool.

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What April Brings

Snow, snow and more snow… this seems to be the first of April’s gifts if in fact one views snow this time of year as a gift. I can’t complain at all really, for snow has been sparse this past winter, and a day tending the wood stove an easy occupation instead of my daily routine. As of now we still have power [she knocks on wood] so we are happy.

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Hauntings Part 3

Ready or not, here comes the final installment of Chapter 1. Just in case you are new to my blog, or have been out of the loop, scroll back two weeks and start at the beginning of the novel, working title, Mrs. Hendricks and Company. Here is the last of the beginning chapter. There is much I am still intrigued with and am sorting out but as I mentioned, both Mrs. Hendricks and this new ‘assistant’ of hers are most certainly haunting me until I get their story straight. Another perk, there are no politics here, only drama.

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