What’s in a Name?

What’s in a name? That which we call a rose/ By any other name would smell as sweet.” Shakespeare’s Juliet was right, neither her love nor the season of flowers depend on a name, but oh my goodness these last days of May is extraordinarily sweet. I invite you to scroll through this post and linger over each botanical image. You will be elevated. You might even be inclined to find your own blooming spring beyond your doorway.

Daisy. Here is one amazing fact: “Daisies are members of the biggest plant family in the world — vascular plants, which make up 10 percent of all flowers on Earth — and grow on every continent except Antarctica” (petal talk). Playful but still of significant value to any landscape. Who can not smile when you see a stretch of daisies ahead? 

Lilies seem to grow with ease in Vermont, and these yellow blossoms are indeed a delight. Your grandmother grew them and you can too. They transcend generations of gardeners and can fill a large swath or reside in a singular pot. Regardless of the amount of blooms, their joyful hue will bring a smile to your face.  

Poppies. As delicate as paper and last only a short season, but oh my, swoon worthy in their beauty. Remembrance. In Flanders Field is not far off when we view these colorful flowers — all the emotions readily available.  

These pretty and purple puffballs are Chives. Edible and savory, therefore so very useful in our early garden salads. I am delighted by their spunky stalks. 

Iris. Big and showy but I can’t find fault in their attitude. According to AI, ” The goddess Iris was believed to use rainbows to travel between heaven and earth, carrying messages from the gods to humans.” Despite the English teacher in me, I will take that as fact.

I must end with Lilacs because of all flowers, these permeate the air with their singularly delightful fragrance for weeks on end in my yard. Hurrah for these gorgeous pollinators.  


10 thoughts on “What’s in a Name?

  1. How lucky are we to experience all this color in our world! I picked some flox & queen Anne’s lace on my way to work yesterday and get to share them with everyone who steps thru the doorway! Divine🌸💕

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