First Year Holiday!

If we took a holiday
Took some time to celebrate
Just one day out of life
It would be, it would be so nice

Everybody spread the word
We’re gonna have a celebration
All across the world
In every nation
It’s time for the good times
Forget about the bad times, oh yeah
One day to come together
To release the pressure
We need a holiday … (Madonna, “Holiday”).

Yes, it is time to celebrate, time for the big holiday, Nine Cent Girl is one year old!!! I don’t remember exactly what I thought last October when I first struck on the notion of blogging, but it’s been more of a blast than I imagined! Mostly because of you all, my constant readers, who subscribe and comment and let me know how much you enjoy the musings of ninecentgirl. Thank you so very much for all the love!

Another unforeseen plus to blogging is the freedom to write wherever my interest takes me… It is somewhat amusing where my mind has wandered during my 40+ entries; “Ode to Lucky Panties” (May 25th) or “Football Frenzy” (January 16th) are two examples of strictly fun-filled posts, while “Cheesecake Love” ( January 8th) and “July=Dinner Picnic” (July 11th ) got me sharing from the kitchen.

As this first year comes to a close I thought to reflect back on the year’s worth of posts and discover which still resonate for me. Here are my top 7 posts:

7. “Life on a Colored Strand”: December 12, 2010
I am fascinated by the image of light in the dark: the way one small flicker leads us, showing us the hope we yearn for at all times, but especially during those trying and long winter days.

6. “Chopsticks and a Pencil”: May 10, 2011
What is it about gifts? Those that fall into our laps when we least expect them. This post is a grand reminder to say yes to life, to giving and to receiving the unexpected that comes our way.

5. “Lucky”: March 8, 2011
This blog debates the age old discourse is it luck or hard work that conducts our lives? I am taken by luck, searching out those auspicious stars, asking them to shine down on us, direct our course, and brighten the mundane. But how much control do we have?

4. “Graduation Day”: June 14, 2011
Last year I got hit bad with the senioritis bug, but I am forever grateful to the class who caused my contagion. Everyday I try to live with them in mind… Watching them leap into the world, arms wide open, is a reminder to take risks and keep reaching.

3. “Care Package”: February 3, 2011

I have a particular fondness for this post, mostly because I wrote it while suffering under the pains of a nasty flu, but more-so because it typifies my mother’s rosy view of life. All who know her want to steal her tinted glasses.

2. “This I Believe”: October 9, 2011

A favorite for purely selfish reasons… I’m big on equality, anywhere, all the time, for anyone. Yes, This I Believe!

1. “Sibling Lore”: November 25, 2010

I wrote this post after traveling clear across the country to be with my family, and as we all know, Thanksgiving travel is anything but enjoyable. Yet, those indissoluble ties compel us all year after year to move mountains in order to share a few precious days together. Truly, family is everything…

For those of you new to my site, I hope you take time to glance back at some of my older posts. For all the rest I’d love to hear which were and still are your favorites… Thank you all again for being a fan of Nine Cent Girl and her ramblings. Rest assured, she’s looking forward to blogging well into 2012…and beyond.

6 thoughts on “First Year Holiday!

  1. Of course I love the blog……Siblingg one….about last thanksgiving. Thank heaven you love family…..It is the joy of my life,too.
    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! One whole year of enjoying your delicious,delightful writings……go gal,go…….


    • I AM Eileen Donovan……so my reply can go to you all. I love ninecentgirl…….Alot of stuff doesn’t make sense…..but THIS blog ALWAYS rings a bell…..


  2. Thank you for the shameless use of that email list! I think the best use of the email list thus far! I am now an email subscriber … excellent procrastination while I grumble about report cards on this gorgeous Sunday. Sometimes I really hate being a teacher! Would love an entry on your long-term perspective on teaching! Is it a sustainable way of life? I’m only on my second year and already feeling the burn-out!


  3. Love the blog Moira. Congrats on the anniversary and sharing of yourself with such grace. “Graduation Day” is a beautiful essay. You’ve verbalized the intriguing mix of excitement, bittersweetness, and pride so many of us feel watching graduation. I attend, even though I may not know any of the graduates well, but the energy is so joyful and hopeful how can you not feel yourself attracted to it.


  4. I love the way you are embracing life these days! Just like your mother, you get better with each passing year/month/day/hour. What genes! What joie de vivre! What fun!


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