good eating

Truth be told I have no love of complicated cooking, but luckily for me, I live with someone who does. When we shop she reaches for new delights while I go for the basics. She questions, how might I cook that differently, while I stick with what I know. I lack imagination when it comes to the culinary arts but she can even make scrambled eggs taste like a gourmet delight. From what I’ve noticed, fresh herbs are often in her mix.

All summer long we grew herbs in small containers on our deck. This supplied our kitchen needs within arms reach and produced great eating. We had fresh basil mixed with vine-ripened tomatoes, fresh dill in our salad dressing, and fresh thyme to season grilled veggies. Once our crop died down, we moved a few pots inside to grow herbs during the winter.

A favorite meal, perfect for a quick dinner or a Sunday brunch, is the following scrambled egg recipe, which is made great with fresh rosemary and local eggs. Although finding organic, free-range eggs is relatively easy in our rural area, I would encourage you to seek the same wherever you live. The benefits will far outweigh the extra cost or hassle.


A meal for two people: Heat a drizzle of olive oil and a drop of ghee in a frying pan. While this is heating, snip rosemary off your plant and chop the leaves finely (without the stems) and sprinkle the rosemary into the frying pan and saute for a minute or so to flavor the oil.  Crack 4 eggs into a bowl and whisk with a splash of milk until blended. Add salt and pepper to taste. Pour this into the frying pan, mixing the eggs and rosemary evenly before letting the mixture set up a bit. Crumble goat cheese (also to taste) into the egg mixture and cook thoroughly. Serve with pan-fried potatoes, veggie sausage or a thick slice of local bread. Garnish the plates with parsley and make sure to eat it afterwards! (For my vegan readers please substitute the eggs with your favorite tofu and leave out the cheese)


I love this light, simple, and delicious meal, and hope you do too. Happy Eating!


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