
For a number of years I have advocated shutting off the news, avoiding the headlines, and generally occupying life with the stuff you can control. Mostly because I myself could not take another lie from an out-of-control Trump lie or his line-up of spineless acolytes who would rather steal women’s control of their own bodies and become internationally know for corruption than stand for truth or humanity. (The average Republican must be in a state of embarrassment and denial that their party has been hoodwinked by such an inept commander, perhaps shamed to wear a heart so white?)

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Light up

Often on a Thursday night when I sit to write my post, I am torn in multiple directions. The headlines are hard to ignore even by those of us desperate to be in the here and now, tending to our own local fires. Many folks run around propelled by the latest gossip, perhaps they too are desperate to get far away from it all? My cold run generally helps. Getting away from a screen and breathing in that mountain air a natural tonic for most.

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Even in the darkest of days

Even in the darkest of days one searches to find a flicker of light, perhaps cutting through the fog or slanting between the clouds, and if you can find it, if only for a split second, it does the heart good to take that hope in. Absolute darkness does seem to be the state of affairs clear round our little spinning Earth of late. From the butchers who attacked Israeli civilians on October 7th to the recent ‘Nazi talk’ from the off-the-rails GOP frontrunner, not forgetting the Russian invasion of Ukraine that’s close to two years of bloodshed, or that many of our own Senators are bent on creating a theocracy likening themselves to the misguided yet mighty Salem judges and causing as much suffering as they did in 1692. Yes, there is no doubt, these are dark times, not made better by extremist of any religious bent. But today, of all the days in the year, I strive to find a reason, or even a short pile of reasons, to clasp my hands together in gratitude.

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