girls night out

Is there ever a good reason not to celebrate? Well, possibly, but on this night we found all sorts of reasons to laugh and enjoy all the frivolity that comes easily when girl friends find themselves sitting around a table with candles and cocktails. Pure fun.

May silliness continue to rule as the days shorten and nights grow long. May laughter always come first. And may all the love that flows between us spread to you all!

From Inspiration to Installation

Summer allows for the garage door to be open to the light and heat blasting in full force adding to the carefree studio vibe I like best. I often have no real plan before I pick up a brush, instead allow the piece to speak to me. Inspiration comes as it does with movement and color. Other times it lingers so I sit on the stool and just take in the view. Somedays it’s all about the myriad of blues I can blend, other days straight up orange rules. You just never know what will kick off a painting session. But that’s the very definition of inspiration, isn’t it? Could be a spark or flash or sorrow or pain or image or song or laugh or cry. You just never know. The only real surety is to have a brush and paint on the ready, and get straight to discovery. Beyond that any surface with suffice. “There are no rules. That is how art is born, how breakthroughs happen. Go against the rules or ignore the rules. That is what invention is about.” – Helen Frankenthaler

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A Retrospective on Fashion, Family, Food…Life

All the balloons have waned onto the confetti trampled floor, the popped corks littered here and there, our recycling bin heavy with empties, and we are left with nothing but to select the stand-out Nine Cent Girl posts of the decade. Not an easy task where there are over 400 individual posts to look back on. Of course every reader will have their own favorites, but I thought I would share mine, using my tag line, Fashion, Family, Food…Life as a guide.

Let’s start with Fashion and a most creative photo shoot. A day spent romping about with my favorite camera gal in tow, @artcitycreative, letting loose as she clicked. Coincidentally, the post celebrated my 100th post: Love.

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