L is for Lilac Love

Flowers are drawing all my senses. Like bees to nectar. Like hummingbirds to color. Like butterflies to sweet-smells. Flowers are slaying me over and over on the daily.

There is a hedge of French Lilac that borders the north side of our home which blooms a few weeks later than our early variety that has already gone by, and right now it is absolutely intoxicating. With our windows open the scent sends us on drunken stumbles for hours, so powerful that we are captive in its violet madness, blurred in its perfume.

 There is a time and place for everything, and the first week of June is perfectly suited to copious amounts of fragrance and color. Green is screaming right now. As is yellow. And of course L is for Lilac in our yard. Loud and banging, slightly out of control tonight.

Not every year brings forth such abundance, but this one, oh my, what a L for Lilac Love.  We are the prize-winning recipients of nature’s bounty, and for this we are sweetly grateful.  Happy Pride ya’ll. Love Wins every June and this one for sure.

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