From the mouth of babes

From the mouth of babes often comes wisdom, as it did most certainly from my 12th graders this week. I asked them all to write a Valedictorian speech, if for no other reason than to let them ponder about their own valuable life lessons as well as their hopes and dreams. They did just that, and of course wowed me with their sageness. The following words are a collage of many speeches given by many students, all who made me cry and smile and be so very grateful to be gifted by their words.  Cheers to the Class of 2024!

Thank you all for joining myself and fellow graduates on this special day. For today starts our journey into the “real world” as we are meant to leap into the reality ahead of us, there are no more playdates or hiding behind our parents as they talk with their friends, being put in time out even though it was someone else who “started it”, recess football or foursquare. The end of walking into school bright and early exactly at 7:55 or juggling in the parking lot afterwards. Our childhood is coming to a close. We are all getting older with every moment that passes, so it’s important to be grateful for what we have, how far we’ve made it already, and most importantly those who’ve helped us get here.

 I’d like to thank my parents for always supporting me with whatever it is I do, buying me the “fastest soccer cleats”, getting up to bring me to hockey practices at 4:30 in the morning or bringing me to games when I was younger that always ended up being three hours and starting at 8:00 AM. Thank you for giving me the space to make mistakes on my own and grow into my own person. 


I just want to congratulate all of my classmates. You all look so beautiful tonight and glow with rays I’ve never seen before. It really is remarkable. But honestly, you guys are the ones who we are celebrating tonight and without all of you, I wouldn’t be the person facing you today. So thank you for being here and let’s embark on this crazy and somewhat mysterious journey together.

Everything in our lives has been leading to this day for years, and things have been moving so fast recently with every decision we have been faced with, and every hour we have committed to our studies, to sports and other extracurriculars, and to our social lives. Now that it has all come to and end, I would like to stop and take a moment to slow down and think back on everything we have been through together. 

Ours has not been a typical high school experience, it has been one filled with adversity and struggle, but remarkably, we have persevered. To reach this day, each and every graduate had to overcome quite a rocky start to our time here. The pandemic forced us to go online, and during our freshman year we only attended two days of school per week, wearing masks, and having only two classes per day. We navigated through our first days of high school having to make friends without seeing each others faces. Some of you are feeling that same uncertainty now that we all felt in those first days, and that is only natural, as we undergo this turning point in our lives. 

However, after overcoming all this strife, our class has been prepared for the trials and tribulations life will throw our way. We have endured great hardships, and the fact that we are all sitting here today is a testament to our will. I have no doubt in my mind that wherever life takes all of us, we will find a way to strive. This class has always lived in the moment, showing up and supporting each other, whether that be at all school events, sports, school plays, or concerts, the turnout is always impressive, and demonstrates the kind of unity that we have forged. Through the years we have grown closer as a class, and the camaraderie I have seen at school, during extracurriculars, and outside of school has been incredible, and I know that all of us will find our place in whatever community we find ourselves in next year and in the years to come. 


Now, class of 2024, I know a lot of us are pretty excited to move onto the next chapter in our life, but this is our very last time we will all be together in one place. Think about that, let it sink in. We have been in the same building, together, 5 days a week, for 35 weeks every year. So when I think about what next year will feel like, it’s almost impossible to picture. 

I know that everyone’s day to day experience hasn’t been the same or hasn’t been easy but it has taught us many things about ourselves.
There is a word that resembles this very experience. Impossible. What does it mean to you? Maybe it is just a word; or maybe it holds something special. For me this word is more than a word, it is a limit. 

Growing up I would argue with my brother about whether things are impossible or not. I would say strongly that “nothing is impossible”, but with that he would just come back to the idea that you wouldn’t survive a fall off Mt Everest with nothing to cushion your descent. As I grew up the word became more of a lifestyle. I would be constantly faced with challenges in life; but instead of seeing them as challenges I saw them as opportunities. Opportunities to get better or to prove something. Prove that nothing is impossible. 

As more time went on this lifestyle was something that changed the way that I interpreted life as a whole. I become more and more aware that in life you are presented with these opportunities; and whether you take advantage of them or not is up to you. Granted there were times where the easiest or carefree option seemed more comfortable. And there would be times where I took that option. Although these routes to success or some form of it were not ideal, they diminished good habits to bad, and caused me to regret the decisions that I made in the past. But there is a saying that reminds me of these similar situations,”If you never fall down you can never get back up.” To some this may sound silly but it proved that without struggle you will never learn.

We discover the joy and the strength that comes from working together towards a common goal. As we move forward into the next chapter of our lives, let’s remember that success is not just measured by our individual accomplishments, but by the impact we have on others. Building and nurturing relationships will continue to be crucial. Whether in our personal lives or professional careers, the connections we make will shape our experiences and influence our paths.We have created a contact bond like no other and for the people with the other days, our bond has only gotten stronger since sophomore year. Let’s strive to be there for one another, to offer support and encouragement, and to celebrate each other’s successes. By doing so, we create a ripple effect of positivity and growth that extends far beyond ourselves.


The biggest piece of advice I have to offer for us graduates is to determine what success means to you. In the modern world with social media and older people telling us we need to be successful the definition of success becomes skewed for most. Being successful can mean anything to anyone, it doesn’t have to be a six figure job or a perfect partner and a family with 6 kids, although those things are just fine, they can present themselves as unattainable to some. If you can figure out what success means to you, however simple or complex, however difficult or easy it may be, it can be anything that makes you feel proud of yourself and content. Giving yourself a realistic definition of success will not only give you something that you have an attainable purpose to strive for but it will also shift your perspective on life. Don’t let anyone else tell you what success has to look like in your life, don’t let anyone give you numbers to reach. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t dream big or reach for the stars, by all means take the risk but make sure it’s something that you know will make you happy, something that isn’t for anyone else. 

Finally I want to dedicate the rest of my speech as a reminder of one of life’s most important virtues, gratefulness and to outline what I am grateful for in my life because I truly believe that it is the straightest path to happiness. I’m grateful for my loving parents first and foremost, without them I’d be half the person I am today and I surely wouldn’t be standing up here giving this speech. I’m thankful for the group of friends I’ve had since I was 5 for always being genuine and funny. I’m thankful for all the teachers in my life for their role in furthering my education, giving me opportunities, and helping me mature into the person I am today. In life I believe it’s of utmost importance to be aware of all that you have, to take a moment to appreciate everything that you can in your life. Let people around you know you value them. Take the time to be grateful every once in a while. I promise it will only do you good.

Before we move on, I would like to take a moment to give thanks. I want to thank my family for encouraging me to succeed, Mom you are my biggest cheerleader and prison guard. Despite our fights, I am grateful that you continued to lead me on the right path. I also wanted to thank the wonderful faculty and staff here at Peoples Academy. Without all of you, none of this would have been possible. Sharing a love for education with this lovely support system has been an incredible experience. Each and every one of you all have pushed us out of our comfort zones, allowing us to see from new perspectives and for that I am forever grateful. Mrs B—, despite our differences, your math classes have really taught me how to persevere. I never knew that statistics would teach a lesson deeper than just math. Along with our teachers, I want to thank the graduating class sitting in front of me. Even if we haven’t spent all the time in the world together, every moment that we have shared has been beneficial. Growing, learning, and changing together is an experience that only we can call ours. The people that have blossomed out of those little kindergarteners are beautiful and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for each one of you. I have so much love in my heart for everyone here and I want you all to know that this love extends past high school. You are my forever family and I am honored to call you friends. 


The world around us is always changing, we are always growing older, and no matter how much we are growing up now, we can’t lose focus of what life is really about. In the grand scheme of things if astronomy has taught me anything about perspective, it’s that we are so small compared to everything else that’s out there. Nothing we do will matter in the big picture, so take control of your life and do what YOU want to do.

The real world we are jumping into is filled with uncertainty and risk. Like many of you, I’m assuming, I have no idea what I’m doing. Simply winging it, but what else is there. There was never an instruction manual or step by step guide. Never a formula to make friends, get good grades, maintain a social life, get a good job, to be happy.

I think the joy in life, though, comes from the uncertainty. The unpredictability and the risk that comes with that sometimes overwhelming “I don’t know what’s going on” feeling.


Now, we are just minutes away from receiving our diplomas, a moment we have awaited for many years. This evening, we will depart from our beloved school, one our of very lasts together, however scary it may sound, at this moment I want each of you to feel an immense sense of accomplishment, all that we faced got us here today in our funny outfits and fancy hats, we worked for this moment, it is finally here, a bright and fulfilling future is only steps away. Finally, I ask that you make the world your own, today is only the beginning. 


From AP Calculus to AP English Literature to the horrific nightmare that was AP Chemistry, I swear my teachers were fabricating those classes on the spot. And there’s no way there’s that many literary devices to use while analyzing a text. It’s impossible. I realize looking back, however, that it was merely the material that seemed impossible. Our teachers were actually the ones bringing us back to reality and letting us realize the possibility. So I’d like to thank each and every one of my teachers, even the ones who did not directly have me in class because I know everyday they help a student just like me discover the possibilities within themselves. I’d like to especially shout out Ms. B—, Mrs. R—, and M.s. D — for helping me through the disastrous AP Classes. It may not have all been fun times but it sure as hell was memorable.

And so I’ll end with this. Thank you Peoples Academy class of 2024 for being the people who raised me, the people who have been there for me up until the day I graduate, and the people who I can forever say have created the best years of my life. Thank you.

6 thoughts on “From the mouth of babes

  1. This was funny, heartwarming, philosophical…such a great composite. ‘fabricating classes on the spot..’ so made me laugh. I wish all these kids the best. They deserve it.

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