Be Here

Although I am ready to lift off into the wild blue I am biding my time just a wee bit longer. I do not make this pronouncement with ease for I’ve been losing steam as of late, but as all the sages remind us, staying present is the best way to live within creativity and joy.

I know I am not alone in my frustration to return to a busier social calendar or enjoying all those freedoms I’ve grown accustomed to but are on hold. My wish-list is a delicious one, starting and ending with small gatherings of family and friends but include no shortage of travel and large scale extravagance. I know I should instead make a list of gratitude to begin my day. Perhaps this post will ignite that initiative… starting with an appreciation of my varied and glorious natural surroundings.

We have found this special tree that takes a commitment to reach, up the steep hill beyond our house, then through the stretch of woods, across the open field, down the ravine, across two small footbridges with plenty of rushing spring melt running, and finally up the ridge. Yes, a hike gets us to our hugging tree, and well-worth the trip. A big shout out to this massive pine and all the rest of these mighty trees reaching to find the light above. They always give us a reason to pause along our trek.

There is a small lake in walkable distance from our house too, and the really good news this week is that the ducks are back. Canadian Geese too. Haven’t spotted the heron yet but he can’t be all that far off if everyone else has arrived. Feels a little like the band is together again after a very long time and we are just so excited to make music together. A nod of gratitude to all my water-friends returned to entertain my walking view.

We have the good fortune to live by a long rail trail, which for this stretch runs along side a river, and gives me much pleasure as I watch the light dance along the current. I’m not quite ready to get my bike out of the basement, but when I do I’ll get to expand my sights. But, back to this moment, this here, this stroll. The mountains in the distance are still laced with snow and rise up majestically against the dark evergreens and blue sky. Even the muddy walk is a welcome treat after months of snow and ice underfoot.

Cheers to all the plants living in our home and keeping the green growing every month of the year. We are keeping fresh hothouse flowers in the vase too. Pastels for the heart and soul feed our need for color and celebration and bring us to a happier place, right here. Embracing the urgency of now feels like the best of adventures for this moment, this day.

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