Make America Delicious Again

Despite what most journalists and bloggers are writing about on this busy week, I’m focusing on food, yes delicious food. I guess getting ready for the Women’s March just makes me hungry. And not only hungry, but longing for smells and tastes that bring comfort and nostalgia along with warm and satisfying feelings that are so so so very needed during this time of upheaval and uncertainty. How about you? Spending more time in your kitchen than usual? Is there anything that brings your household together more than tomato sauce simmering for the afternoon?


Shall we take a stand? No more take-out. No more fast-food. Let’s cook our way back into a delicious America. Meatballs anyone?

First you need a sauce. Ours is a fabulous mixture of roasted tomatoes and herbs cooking gently while you go about the business of making meatballs. We used ground turkey, local and organic, with diced peppers, onions and sun-dried tomatoes, gf breadcrumbs and egg, blended, browned and cooked thoroughly in avocado oil, before joining the sauce.

turkey meatball recipe

In place of pasta we substituted with spaghetti squash, baked in the oven until soft, and scrapped into our bowl ready to be topped by sauce and meatballs. I’d suggest parmigiano cheese grated right before serving.

cooking healthy

Cooking this good is cause for celebration, so candles are lit, a bit of bubbly poured, crafting the perfect moment to savor and share and enjoy: a meal that hits the spot combining all that’s good and delicious and right and just. Making America delicious again is as easy as standing over the stove, chatting with your love or friend or housemate or pup about the local weather and news, remembering what we hold dear, and planning for this weekend’s rally. Sufficiently fueled, we shall be ready to march.

candle lit dinner

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