Summer, lingering still

As Labor Day approaches Summer joys seem to be evaporating like dawn mist does at daybreak: all that wonderful stuff receding into memory. But before we venture too far into September I want to linger, splash in the still-warm lake water, cut open one last watermelon, savor the ripening tomatoes, let laughter with special friends ring loudly across the valley until nothing but stars appear overhead, and feel some Summer, lingering still.


Many of the gifts of Summer are still with us; such as an abundance of flowers. Cultivated or wild, we were, and still are, blessed with a bounty. Perhaps it’s not too late to bring in a beautiful bouquet to your living space? There are still plenty of blooms out there.


Since June we have enjoyed many evening meals out on our desk. Local wines and fresh veggies, grilled meats and roasted corn, and always topped by this expansive view. Summer brought plenty of great eating, and this weekend we are plotting to recreate a few favorite recipes, dining al fresco most definitely!!


The Summer sky was terrific too. From many vantage points we watched storms roll in and clear out, cloud formations that demanded attention and an endless supply of fantastic sunsets that turned the whole earth into a kaleidoscope of color. Summer or not, the sky will always be there to lift you: just look up!


Let us not forget Summer berries. Handpicked from wild backyard brambles or farm field rows; eaten in the warm sun or cooked to a sticky sweetness poured over chocolate and ice cream; no matter how they were consumed, berries make any day a delicious and happier one. Even now, fresh fruit is still available at your farmer’s market; so, what will you dream up for dessert?


Can anyone ever get enough of jumping into big water? I am so fortunate to live within minutes of terrific swimming, but I also ventured to the salty ocean and delicious lakes during several of my sojourns. Each deep dive shook me away from my heat-dulled senses and gave me the cooling drive to enjoy even more Summer fun. This weekend I will do this again for sure!


Yes, time marches on and sadly this Summer will fade away, but I plan to keep all this joy in my heart and mind for months to come, regardless.

10 thoughts on “Summer, lingering still

  1. Enjoyed your descriptions immensely. BBQ grilled foods are among my favorite, and right after a good swim. I prefer the ocean, but a cool lake can be refreshing and magical too. Thanks for giving me some images to hang onto! 🙂


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